Eco-Friendly Baby Products for a Healthy Baby and a Clean Environment

eco-friendly baby products

Starting early and raising an eco-friendly baby will go a long way in protecting the environment for their future. Choosing products from companies with environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and using recycled or reusable materials as often as possible will be as good for your baby as it will be for the earth.

Bottles and Sippy Cups

Using an Eco-Friendly baby bottle for your new little bundle of joy is a great way to keep them healthy while preventing contamination of the environment. Glass bottles or # 5 plastic bottles are both recyclable materials and will prevent your baby from ingesting Bisphenol-A (BPA) that can be found in other types of plastic bottles.

Avoid using materials that are not biodegradable, recyclable, or reusable. Aluminum or stainless steel can also be used once your child starts using sippy cups as it can be recycled after it has been used repeatedly and has become worn out. Glass and safe, biodegradable plastic also work well for all your baby’s cups and bowls.

Soaps and Detergents

Babies generally have very sensitive skin, and while some commercial products offer sensitive skin formulas, using Eco-Friendly baby products that contain 100% natural ingredients will ensure your baby is getting the most natural, non-toxic, additive free soaps and shampoos. Choosing organic products that don’t contain any harsh chemicals will decrease the amount of waste and toxins you introduce into the environment while keeping your baby as clean as the commercial brands, and perhaps even a little healthier.

Diapers for an Eco-Friendly Baby

Disposable diapers often contain harmful chemical ingredients that fill up landfills and pollute the earth. Using natural cloth diapers and wipes are just as effective as the disposable kinds while reducing a substantial amount of waste. If the convenience of disposable diapers is a must, you’ll be happy to know that some brands are biodegradable. Always be sure to check labels and product reviews in order to determine whether a brand is safe for both the earth and your baby.

Earth Friendly Baby Clothes

Eco-friendly baby clothes can be found by looking for clothing made from natural and organic materials. Choosing clothes from 100% organic cotton, wool, or hemp will often leave you with outfits that last longer, look adorable, and contain no harmful dyes or residual chemicals from manufacturing.

Babies put everything in their mouths including their hands, toys, clothes, and any number of other things they can find. Using Eco-Friendly baby products will prevent them from ingesting harmful materials while saving the planet. Choose companies who practice responsible manufacturing techniques and use biodegradable and recyclable materials for the safest and most eco-friendly products.

Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs: Saving the Earth One Bulb at a Time

eco-friendly light bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs have become a wasteful light source that is turning into a thing of the past. These bulbs often give off as much unnecessary heat energy as they do light. With new, more efficient lighting alternatives, more and more consumers are switching to alternative lighting methods everyday.

Compact Florescent Lights

While compact florescent lights are not the most ideal lighting source, they’re much more efficient than their incandescent predecessors. These Eco-Friendly light bulbs have come a long way from the original models which gave off an unusual blue light and were fairly expensive. Compact florescent lights can now be purchased at very reasonable prices and the light they produce is quite natural. They last an exceptionally long time, and use a fraction of the energy the incandescent types of bulbs do.

The only drawback to compact florescent lights is the small amounts of mercury they contain. While this mercury is harmless for regular use of these lights, it can be quite toxic when dealing with a broken bulb. Careful clean up and disposal steps must be followed when using these lights, so while they are incredibly efficient, they aren’t without their flaws.

Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

Currently, LED lights are somewhat more expensive types of Eco-Friendly light bulbs. However, if you choose to invest in these, they last surprisingly long and eventually pay for themselves. The light they produce is very natural and they use extremely small amounts of energy. The most important difference between these bulbs and the florescent lights is the durability they possess. They would rarely break and if they do, they contain no toxic mercury you would have to deal with.

Reducing you electricity bill with Eco-Friendly light bulbs isn’t the only function they perform. Because these light bulbs last so long, they produce much less waste material that will end up in a landfill. They also consume less power resulting in less wasted energy and resources. In addition to these types of bulbs, solar lamps are another option that can be used in well lit areas of your house and yard to give you the greenest lighting methods possible.

Eco-Friendly Water Bottles: Why Everyone Should Have One

Eco-Friendly Water Bottles: Why Everyone Should Have One

Disposable water bottles use up so much of our earth’s resources and they severely pollute the environment when they end up in a landfill. Switching to Eco-Friendly water bottles can drastically reduce the amount of waste we produce while still allowing us to have fresh, filtered water while we’re on the go.

Using the Right Water

The reason we usually buy bottled water in the first place is for what’s inside. Bottled water will often be the same quality as the filtered tap water we can produce ourselves. While tap water in some areas is pure and perfectly acceptable to drink, water filters and purifiers are available for the areas that aren’t so lucky. These filters are usually quite inexpensive when compared to what you’re paying for bottled water.

Fitting your kitchen sink with a water purifier or keeping a jug with a water filter in your fridge will give you easy access to fresh, pure water without having to use up a ton of disposable bottles. Earth friendly water bottles can be filled with the same quality of water as the disposable types, so switching to the more environmentally friendly option is as easy as buying a simple water filter.

Types of Materials for Your Eco-Friendly Water Bottles

When deciding on the right water bottle to buy, consider what the bottle is made of and if it was manufactured in an environmentally safe way. Thick aluminum, thick plastic, and glass bottles are durable and can last a very long time. If you’ve used a recyclable material, these bottles can be disposed of safely while having little impact on the environment.

Some types of plastic bottles may contain Bisphenol-A (BPA) and some steel and aluminum types may be manufactured with harmful chemicals. Researching the type of bottle you intend to buy might take a little more effort on your part, but you can rest assured that you’re always using safe and Eco-Friendly water bottles the next time you decide to go for a drink of water.

With landfills overflowing and the earth’s resources becoming depleted, switching to reusable products has never been more important. Earth friendly water bottles will not only save you money by preventing repeated purchases of bottled water, but they will also go a long way in saving the earth from excess pollution.

Eco-Friendly Gifts: Show You Care While Making a Statement

Eco-Friendly Gifts: Show You Care While Making a Statement

Too often we give gifts that are over packaged, over wrapped, and under used. So much energy and materials are used up in the manufacturing of these items and often gifts are forgotten about or disposed of if they aren’t useful. Even for the more thoughtful gifts, alternatives exist that will allow you to give Eco-Friendly gifts rather than those that create excess garbage and pollution.

Make Your Own Earth Friendly Gifts

Homemade gifts may be one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give someone. It shows you care enough to put your own time and energy into the gift and allows you to get creative. This option can usually save you money and will almost always eliminate unnecessary packaging.

Deciding on the homemade Eco-Friendly gift you’d like to give can be determined either by using a talent you’re passionate about or by basing it on something your recipient loves. For the best gifts, you can give according to the interests both of you share. For example, if you love to bake and they have an addiction to chocolate chip cookies, bake them up a batch of your favourite recipe and put them in a reusable tin.

Homemade gifs can include ideas such elaborate home cooked meals, a sweater or scarf knit from 100% organic wool, or a personalized piece of art or poetry you’ve created just for them. By using your strengths and determining your recipient’s interests you’ll be able to give the most appreciated and Eco-Friendly gifts.

Online and Digital Gifts

Gifts that have absolutely no packaging or material mass can still be incredibly thoughtful and cherished. Purchasing online subscriptions, paying for gaming memberships, buying e-books and music downloads, or donating to their favourite charity will completely eliminate the waste made from manufactured products. These Eco-Friendly gifts allow you to give your friends things they want and can actually use.

Organic Gifts

If a store bought gift is the best choice for you, Eco-Friendly gifts can still be found by choosing items made from biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable materials. If you’re giving clothes, pick them out something made of 100% pure cotton, wool, or hemp. Gift baskets containing organic foods can be extremely welcome around the holidays as they can be opened and shared by everyone.

Giving Eco-Friendly gifts may also encourage your recipients to take the environment into consideration. With whatever gift you choose to give them, you may also be giving them the gift of education by reminding them that our environment needs to be protected and even the smallest of steps can help prevent further pollution.

Eco-Friendly Wedding Invitations

Eco-Friendly Wedding Invitations

Whether you’re trying to have a greener wedding or just reduce the waste made by a large quantity of wedding invitations, a few helpful ideas should put you on the right track to sending out Eco-Friendly wedding invitations to all your guests.

Recycled Paper

Probably the most common forms of Eco-Friendly wedding invitations are those printed on recycled paper. While some people may not prefer the look of recycled paper, wedding invitations can actually be made quite beautifully from them with natural dyes and organic soy-based ink. Using a non-bleached type of paper will reduce toxic waste from manufacturing while saving trees.

Paper Alternatives

Your invites don’t necessarily have to be sent out on paper. Using other natural materials such as hemp, bamboo, and cotton will not only be better for the environment but will give you some very creative and stylish looking invites as well. This may be a more expensive option, but your invitations will be biodegradable and eco friendly. Reusable cloth envelopes are also an impressive addition to your Eco-Friendly wedding invitations, but this may get more costly or time consuming if you have a larger guest list.

Paperless and Material Free

Why mail any invitations at all? Technology has reduced much of the need for typical postal services and it can help with your Eco-Friendly wedding invitations too. You can call all of your guests individually or send everyone an e-mail informing them of your wedding plans. To take it a step further, you can set up a wedding guest mailing list or create an online event with its own website. If you’ve decided you still want to stick with traditional paper invites, asking your guests to respond via phone or e-mail can still cut down on a huge number of paper replies.

Minimize Your Invitations

Your Eco-Friendly wedding invitations don’t have to be drastically different from the beautiful, handwritten, glossy white cards you’ve always dreamed of. You can still have the classic invitations while reducing trash by keeping the invitations smaller and including all the guests from one area or household on one invite. Print only as many invites as you’re going to need and be sure you avoid heavily treated or dyed types of paper. Even making the smallest changes to your wedding invitations can help you protect the environment and prevent further pollution and waste.

Eco-Friendly Promotional Products to Show Your Company Cares

Eco-Friendly Promotional Products to Show Your Company Cares

Showing your customers that your company cares about the environment is a great way to express your environmental concerns, give your company a positive community image, and earn yourself some valuable advertising.

Choosing Environmentally Friendly Materials

Regardless of what Eco-Friendly promotional products you’ll be using, ensuring they’re made from eco friendly materials is the first step to greener advertising. Your products should be manufactured in a manner that reduces pollution and waste, so check with your supplier to see if they follow environmentally safe production processes and determine if the materials they use are recycled and biodegradable.

Choose recycled products whenever possible. Try using recycled paper for all your flyers, posters, and business cards and recycled plastics for promotional water bottles. Reducing packaging as much as you can will make your Eco-Friendly promotional products even greener. When shipping, check with your manufacturer regarding packaging procedures and try cutting back on excess waste if you can.

Ideas for Earth Friendly Promotional Products

What kinds of products do you plan to offer your customers? If you’re going to give them Eco-Friendly promotional products, you might as well be sure you’re giving them something useful that won’t end up in a landfill. Reusable water bottles and travel mugs are a great way to show your company encourages reusable products and can be handy to give your staff for using at work as well.

Reusable tote bags are excellent for advertising while still putting an environmentally friendly message out there. You’ll most likely have your company name and logo printed on the bag, but adding an environmentally friendly slogan is just one more step you can take to really deliver your message.

Other items, such as mugs, pens, Frisbees, and t-shirts are great as long as you ensure they are being made with environmentally safe materials and they are stylish enough that your customers will want to keep them. Using appealing logos and lettering on an item will encourage customers to keep your Eco-Friendly promotional products; then, not only do these items stay out of a landfill, they continue to advertise for you.

Other Ways to Help Your Company Go Green

You don’t have to stop at Eco-Friendly promotional products to play a bigger role in saving the environment. Setting up carpooling programs, reusing and recycling old office equipment, using recycled paper products, and encouraging the use of reusable water bottles are all ways you can reduce waste while encouraging your customers and employees to do the same.