Eco-Friendly Baby Products for a Healthy Baby and a Clean Environment

eco-friendly baby products

Starting early and raising an eco-friendly baby will go a long way in protecting the environment for their future. Choosing products from companies with environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and using recycled or reusable materials as often as possible will be as good for your baby as it will be for the earth.

Bottles and Sippy Cups

Using an Eco-Friendly baby bottle for your new little bundle of joy is a great way to keep them healthy while preventing contamination of the environment. Glass bottles or # 5 plastic bottles are both recyclable materials and will prevent your baby from ingesting Bisphenol-A (BPA) that can be found in other types of plastic bottles.

Avoid using materials that are not biodegradable, recyclable, or reusable. Aluminum or stainless steel can also be used once your child starts using sippy cups as it can be recycled after it has been used repeatedly and has become worn out. Glass and safe, biodegradable plastic also work well for all your baby’s cups and bowls.

Soaps and Detergents

Babies generally have very sensitive skin, and while some commercial products offer sensitive skin formulas, using Eco-Friendly baby products that contain 100% natural ingredients will ensure your baby is getting the most natural, non-toxic, additive free soaps and shampoos. Choosing organic products that don’t contain any harsh chemicals will decrease the amount of waste and toxins you introduce into the environment while keeping your baby as clean as the commercial brands, and perhaps even a little healthier.

Diapers for an Eco-Friendly Baby

Disposable diapers often contain harmful chemical ingredients that fill up landfills and pollute the earth. Using natural cloth diapers and wipes are just as effective as the disposable kinds while reducing a substantial amount of waste. If the convenience of disposable diapers is a must, you’ll be happy to know that some brands are biodegradable. Always be sure to check labels and product reviews in order to determine whether a brand is safe for both the earth and your baby.

Earth Friendly Baby Clothes

Eco-friendly baby clothes can be found by looking for clothing made from natural and organic materials. Choosing clothes from 100% organic cotton, wool, or hemp will often leave you with outfits that last longer, look adorable, and contain no harmful dyes or residual chemicals from manufacturing.

Babies put everything in their mouths including their hands, toys, clothes, and any number of other things they can find. Using Eco-Friendly baby products will prevent them from ingesting harmful materials while saving the planet. Choose companies who practice responsible manufacturing techniques and use biodegradable and recyclable materials for the safest and most eco-friendly products.

Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs: Saving the Earth One Bulb at a Time

eco-friendly light bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs have become a wasteful light source that is turning into a thing of the past. These bulbs often give off as much unnecessary heat energy as they do light. With new, more efficient lighting alternatives, more and more consumers are switching to alternative lighting methods everyday.

Compact Florescent Lights

While compact florescent lights are not the most ideal lighting source, they’re much more efficient than their incandescent predecessors. These Eco-Friendly light bulbs have come a long way from the original models which gave off an unusual blue light and were fairly expensive. Compact florescent lights can now be purchased at very reasonable prices and the light they produce is quite natural. They last an exceptionally long time, and use a fraction of the energy the incandescent types of bulbs do.

The only drawback to compact florescent lights is the small amounts of mercury they contain. While this mercury is harmless for regular use of these lights, it can be quite toxic when dealing with a broken bulb. Careful clean up and disposal steps must be followed when using these lights, so while they are incredibly efficient, they aren’t without their flaws.

Light Emitting Diodes (LED)

Currently, LED lights are somewhat more expensive types of Eco-Friendly light bulbs. However, if you choose to invest in these, they last surprisingly long and eventually pay for themselves. The light they produce is very natural and they use extremely small amounts of energy. The most important difference between these bulbs and the florescent lights is the durability they possess. They would rarely break and if they do, they contain no toxic mercury you would have to deal with.

Reducing you electricity bill with Eco-Friendly light bulbs isn’t the only function they perform. Because these light bulbs last so long, they produce much less waste material that will end up in a landfill. They also consume less power resulting in less wasted energy and resources. In addition to these types of bulbs, solar lamps are another option that can be used in well lit areas of your house and yard to give you the greenest lighting methods possible.